Final Code

// mic-workshops/workshops/03/index.js

const AWSMqtt = require('aws-mqtt-client').default
const API = require('./api.class.js')
const myApi = new API('< API key >')

// Insert variables
const IOT_ENDPOINT = ''
const AWS_REGION = 'xx-xxxx-x'
const USERNAME = '< your MIC username >'
const PASSWORD = '< your MIC password >'

const main = async () => {
  try {
    await myApi.init() // Init API (fetch Manifest)
    await myApi.login({
      username: USERNAME,
      password: PASSWORD

    // Create a Cognito Identity before authorizing MQTT client
    const cognitoIdentity = await myApi.createCognitoIdentity(myApi.credentials.token)

    // Instantiate a new MQTT client with configurations
    let MQTTClient = new AWSMqtt({
      region: AWS_REGION,
      accessKeyId: cognitoIdentity.accessKeyId,
      secretAccessKey: cognitoIdentity.secretAccessKey,
      sessionToken: cognitoIdentity.sessionToken,
      endpointAddress: IOT_ENDPOINT,
      maximumReconnectTimeMs: 8000,
      protocol: 'wss'

    // If an error occurs
    MQTTClient.on('error', e => {
      console.error('MQTT error:', e)

    // If a reconnect happens
    MQTTClient.on('reconnect', () => {
      console.error('MQTT reconnect, check topic')

    // Incoming message
    MQTTClient.on('message', (topic, message) => {
      console.log('MQTT message: ', JSON.parse(message.toString('utf-8')))

    // Subscribe to a topic after connect
    MQTTClient.on('connect', () => {
  } catch (e) {
    console.error('An error occured:', e)

// Invoke our program