Create MQTT Client

We now have all the necessary info to actually create the MQTT client. We’ll use a package called aws-mqtt-client which works both in the browser and in Node.js. You can find the full documentation for the aws-mqtt-client package here.

Continue by adding code to index.js, after we’ve logged in:

// Instantiate a new MQTT client with configurations
let MQTTClient = new AWSMqtt({
  region: AWS_REGION,
  endpointAddress: IOT_ENDPOINT,
  maximumReconnectTimeMs: 8000,
  protocol: 'wss'

You can see here that we’re using AWS_REGION and IOT_ENDPOINT during the MQTT client initialization. However, this is not enough. We still need to provide the client some additional keys in order to authorize against the AWS IoT MQTT broker.

Amazon Cognito: accessKeyId, secretAccessKey and sessionToken

So you may wonder where these keys come from. Since the MQTT broker we want to authorize against is part of AWS IoT, we need a Cognito Identity. Cognito is a AWS service for user management and it is used by MIC. An authorized client may obtain a Cognito Identity which yields a accessKeyId, secretAccessKey and a sessionToken.

So we now know they are necessary for the MQTT client in order to authorize against the MQTT broker, but how are they obtained?

Recall workshop 1, where we used the Auth API LOGIN endpoint to obtain a session token. This token is used to authorize HTTP calls against protected API endpoints, but it can also be used to create a Cognito identity. Luckily, the api.class.js included in the code already has this procedure implemented in the createCognitoIdentity() method. All we need to do is to tell our program to create a Cognito Identity before we create our MQTT client.

Add code to create a Cognito Identity before we create our MQTT client:

// Create a Cognito Identity before authorizing MQTT client
const cognitoIdentity = await myApi.createCognitoIdentity(myApi.credentials.token)

// Instantiate a new MQTT client with configurations
let MQTTClient = new AWSMqtt({
  region: AWS_REGION,
  accessKeyId: cognitoIdentity.accessKeyId,
  secretAccessKey: cognitoIdentity.secretAccessKey,
  sessionToken: cognitoIdentity.sessionToken,
  endpointAddress: IOT_ENDPOINT,
  maximumReconnectTimeMs: 8000,
  protocol: 'wss'

Complete Code

const AWSMqtt = require('aws-mqtt-client').default
const API = require('./api.class.js')
const myApi = new API('< API key >')

// Insert variables
const IOT_ENDPOINT = ''
const AWS_REGION = 'xx-xxxx-x'
const USERNAME = '< your MIC username >'
const PASSWORD = '< your MIC password >'

const main = async () => {
  try {
    await myApi.init() // Init API (fetch Manifest)
    await myApi.login({
      username: USERNAME,
      password: PASSWORD

    // Create a Cognito Identity before authorizing MQTT client
    const cognitoIdentity = await myApi.createCognitoIdentity(myApi.credentials.token)

    // Instantiate a new MQTT client with configurations
    let MQTTClient = new AWSMqtt({
      region: AWS_REGION,
      accessKeyId: cognitoIdentity.accessKeyId,
      secretAccessKey: cognitoIdentity.secretAccessKey,
      sessionToken: cognitoIdentity.sessionToken,
      endpointAddress: IOT_ENDPOINT,
      maximumReconnectTimeMs: 8000,
      protocol: 'wss'
  } catch (e) {
    console.error('An error occured:', e)

// Invoke our program