Add Event Listeners

After we’ve instantiated a new MQTT client we need to add event listeners. Event listeners are “hooks” that trigger functions when different MQTT events occur.

Continue by adding code to index.js:

// If an error occurs
MQTTClient.on('error', e => {
  console.error('MQTT error:', e)

// If a reconnect happens
MQTTClient.on('reconnect', () => {
  console.error('MQTT reconnect, check topic')

// Incoming message
MQTTClient.on('message', (topic, message) => {
  console.log('MQTT message: ', JSON.parse(message.toString('utf-8')))

We’ve added three event listeners, but before we can watch incoming messages we need to subscribe to a topic. Enter what’s called the Thing Update API, wich exposes different MQTT topics we can subscribe to.

This API exposes the full underlying AWS IoT MQTT topic structure for a client logged in like we have done (through Cognito). All client facing topics are qualified by the domain path of the thing.

The topic for incoming messages starts with thing-update/, and we append a domain-path after that. E.g. thing-update/workshop/0000123321 to listen for Thing 0000123321 in the domain workshop.

Find out the full domain-path of a Thing and the Thing name.


If you’re lucky, someone during the workshop will provide a dummy Thing and a topic wich you can experiment with.

Continue by adding the connect event listener, which subscribes to a topic:

// Subscribe to a topic after connect
MQTTClient.on('connect', () => {