Find Things

We’ll now find all Things attached to a specific Thing Type.

We’ll use the Thing Management FIND endpoint. This is done by sending a POST method to /things/find with an Elasticsearch query as payload.

Thing Management FIND
Method POST
Endpoint /things/find
Body The query to run on Elasticsearch specified using Elasticsearch Query DSL

Continue to add code after our login() call, using the invoke() method.

Replace the Thing Type ID with an ID from your Thing Types:

let result = await myApi.invoke({
  method: 'post',
  url: '/things/find',
  data: {
    query: {
      size: 1000,
      query: {
        bool: {
          filter: {
            term: {
              thingType: '191' // Replace 191 with your Thing Type ID
    type: 'thing,sub_thing'

Complete Code

const API = require('./api.class.js')
const myApi = new API('< API key >')

const main = async () => {
  try {
    await myApi.init() // Init API (fetch Manifest)
    await myApi.login({
      username: '< your MIC username >',
      password: '< your MIC password >'

    let result = await myApi.invoke({
      method: 'post',
      url: '/things/find',
      data: {
        query: {
          size: 1000,
          query: {
            bool: {
              filter: {
                term: {
                  thingType: '191' // Replace 191 with your Thing Type ID
        type: 'thing,sub_thing'
  } catch (e) {
    console.error('An error occured:', e)

// Invoke our program

Run the program:

node index.js

The user should now be logged in and print a list of Things.

Save a Thing Name

Pick one Thing from the result and save the thingName for the next page when we’ll observe a Thing.