Authenticate API Call

All other API endpoints except for /auth/ and /metadata requires a logged in user. As we saw in the previous page, we called /auth/login. The response after a successful login contains a credentials object with three properties; identityId, token and refreshToken.

Example response:

  "credentials": {
    "identityId": "eu-west-1:72ty9374-29ko-1293-384y-4g66u87f3hfe",
    "token": "nkiOiJNeSIsImN1c3Rvb",
    "refreshToken": "DnTY4m2lpDPb3BjG"

This object needs to be stored locally by the API consumer in order to remove the need to login before every request. After it has been stored, the identityId should be added as a header or a query parameter. This is specifically used for backwards compatibility. The token should be added to the Authorization header. If one of the previously mentioned data is missing from the request, the API will send a 403 forbidden response. Remember that you always have to add x-api-key header to your requests.

Header Value
Authorization The Authorization token returned from /auth/login
identityId The identityId returned from /auth/login
x-api-key The API Key to identify the request

Making an Authenticated API Call

Let’s continue on our code.

Add a API_CREDENTIALS variable at the top:


After we’ve made the first /auth/login request, store the received credentials object in the new variable:

const response = await api({
  method: 'post',
  url: '/auth/login',
  // Add a username/password combination as payload
  data: {
    userName: USERNAME,
    password: PASSWORD

// Store login credentials for later usage

After the credentials has been stored we can now start making authenticated API calls.

Let’s call the User API GET endpoint to retrieve our user information:

// Make a User API GET request to the /users/{userName} endpoint
const auth_response = await api({
  method: 'get',
  url: '/users/' + USERNAME,
  // Add authentication headers
  headers: {
    Authorization: API_CREDENTIALS.token,
    identityId: API_CREDENTIALS.identityId
console.log('User API response:',

Congratulations! You’ve now logged in, received authentication tokens and made an authenticated API call. Try exploring the REST API documentation and modify our code to use other endpoints.